
Showing posts from October, 2013

How to Enable and Disable Macros in Microsoft Excel

While most macros are harmless and helpful when it comes to automating repetitive tasks. It also poses a security risks if it's coded with malicious purpose. It can contain unsafe codes that can be harmful when ran on your systems.  Do make sure that you run macros that you own or from known sources and trusted publishers.  To enable or disable and set macro security level in any office application that has VBA macros, Open the Developer tab or See How to show Developer tab in Ribbon . Open up the Trust Center dialog window by clicking the macro security button on the developer tab or press ( Alt+LAS ) on your keyboard. The Macro settings tab on trust center dialog window has additional option buttons you can select to change macro level security. Disable all macros without notification - Select this option when you don't want to run all macros from unknown sources and untrusted publisher's location. D isable all macros with not...

How to show the Developer Tab in Microsoft Excel 2007

By default, the Developer Tab is not shown on the Microsoft Excel's Ribbon. In order to show the Developer tab, Go to the File Menu and Click the Excel Options button.   On the Excel Options Window, Check the box Show Developer tab in the Ribbon .   Then Click OK, and that should show up the Developer tab.

The Ultimate Annual-Monthly Microsoft Excel Calendar template

This Ultimate Excel Calendar Template allows user, company or any organization to create their own calendars. The template was created in VBA and may require the user to enable macro content in the document. Annual Calendar Template: Country - Choose your home country. Year - Calendar year First Day of the Week - The first day of the week to be displayed First Week of The Year - Determines the work week number The screenshot below shows the calendar of the whole year and the holidays. The video shows how does Ultimate Excel Calendar template work. Monthly Calendar Template: Month - Choose which Month you want to display. Year - Month year. First Day of Week -  First day of the week to be displayed. Country - Choose your location This template will display the Holiday of the Month in the respective dates. Download the Ultimate Annual-Monthly Excel Calendar or post your email in the comment so I can send to you the template file.

Using Nested IFError - IF - VLookUp Functions in Excel

In this example we'll be using three excel functions such as IFERROR , IF and VLOOKUP functions.  =IFERROR(IF(G3="","",VLOOKUP(G3,Sheet1!B:C,2,FALSE)), "No Match Found") For this example, we'll use the above formula at Cell "G4" : Initially, the formula says that if the value of G3 is blank then set the value of G4 to blank. Otherwise, look for the lookup value ( ID )  in the table array and return the exact match in the second column ( Name ) . If the value is not found in the array then return a message to the user.   IFERROR( 'Formula to Evaluate', value-if-error ) - Returns the specified value "No Match Found" if the formula evaluated returns an error value.   IF( logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false] ) - Logic test is a comparison between two values ( G3="" ), test's if the value of G3 is empty. Followed by two arguments which are the value_if_true and v...

Always Show Selected Row of a DataGridView in C# / CSharp

The following codes will always Show the Selected Row of a DatagridView when the data is reloaded and will recall the state of the scrollbar by its scroll value.. CODE: private int scrollVal = 0, rowIndex = 0, lastRow = 0; private void datagridView1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)     {         //WILL USE THE SCROLL VALUE LATER WHEN RELOADING THE DATAGRIDVIEW         scrollVal = datagridView1.VerticalScrollingOffset;     } private void datagridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)     {         //GETS THE INDEX OF THE CURRENT SELECTED ROW         rowIndex = this.datagridView1.CurrentRow.Index;         rowIndex = rowIndex != 0 ? lastRow = rowIndex : lastRow = rowIndex;     } private void reloadDatagridView()     {     ...