How to Update Windows Service Pack via Registry using Command Prompt

This little trick will let you update Windows Service Pack from 1 to 3 without having to install any software and applications. This will only trick Windows to detect that Service Pack 3 is installed on your system. However, if you really want to install the Service Pack then you can download it on Microsoft's website.

To do the trick, follow these steps below:
1.) Open Notepad Editor.
2.) Copy the Code below and Paste it on the Notepad Editor Window you've just opened.
@echo off
rem Create a Backup of the Registry Key we'll be updating.
reg.exe export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows" C:\SPBackup.reg /y

rem Create the registry file (ServicePack.reg).
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >> C:\ServicePack.reg
echo.>> C:\ServicePack.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows] >> C:\ServicePack.reg
echo "CSDVersion"=dword:0000300 >> C:\ServicePack.reg

rem Save the values to the registry.
regedit.exe /s C:\ServicePack.reg

3.) Save the File as ServicePack.bat on your desktop so you can access it easily.
4.) Locate and Double-Click the file to Open it.
5.) Restart your computer to apply changes.
6.) After restarting, Open up your System Properties and you'll be able to see that it's updated.

This is for information purposes only, if you encounter any problem after performing the above steps then do the following to restore the original values.
1.) Open RUN.
2.) Copy and Paste this in the box "regedit.exe /s C:\SPBackup.reg" without the "quotes".
3.) Press Enter.
4.) Restart your computer to apply changes.
5.) Check your System Properties if the settings were successfully restored.


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